Number of Participants: 23
Hours Donated: 10
Value of Time Served: $1,944
Event Type: Hunger
Sport: Schools
Date: June 20, 2023
Deer Park
“Grandpa Tony” is one of seven adopted grandparents at Deer Park’s May Moore Primary School from the Federation of Organizations for the Foster Grandparent Program, volunteering three times a week to work with students in Nicole Leggio’s classroom. He also spends his free time at Island Harvest, handing out food to help those most in need. For Grandpa Tony’s birthday this year, Leggio’s class and the May Moore faculty collected 213 pounds of food that was donated to Island Harvest in his honor.
“Grandpa Tony is truly amazing and I am very lucky to have him,” Leggio said. “He is generous and kindhearted, and the kids look forward to him coming in every day. In honor of his birthday, we wanted to acknowledge him and all the wonderful things he does for others by supporting a cause near and dear to his heart and helping others in need. He would rather help others than have his birthday celebrated, and was sincerely touched by the school’s generosity,”
“A huge thank you to everyone who contributed and helped us celebrate Grandpa Tony’s birthday in a way he would appreciate – by donating to others in need,” Principal Tammy Alcalde said. “We love you Grandpa Tony!”
IMG_7387: May Moore Primary School collected 213 pounds of food that was donated to Island Harvest in honor of adopted grandparent “Grandpa Tony.”
Photos courtesy of Deer Park School District