Number of Participants: 2801
Hours Donated: 1
Value of Time Served: $23,668
Event Type: Hunger
Sport: Schools
Date: May 2, 2022
Harborfields Central School District
Huntington, NY
The Harborfields Central School District is undertaking a CeReal Challenge, an event intended to help the community “see real” connections come to life and demonstrate that Harborfields is committed to building a caring, learning environment for each member of the Harborfields family. The goal is to collect 2,801 cereal boxes – one for each student in the district – in preparation for the final event on May 3, when each of the district’s four school buildings will topple a domino course of cereal boxes symbolizing obstacles collapsing when people work together and demonstrating the strong connections that Harborfields has with its community and that the students have with each other.
Leading up the Challenge’s big finale, students participated in a CeReal commercial contest in which they had to explain what they love about the Harborfields community. The finished commercial was produced by high school students for a districtwide promotional video.
Winners from Washington Drive Primary School were kindergartners Grace Henning and Gary Waldren, first graders Isabella Berbenich and Isla Richheimer, and second graders Edward Murphy and Paige Ryan.
Winners from Thomas J. Lahey Elementary School were third graders Sophia Albanese and Maeve Nordmann, fourth graders Katherine Appoldt and Chase Ciccone, and fifth graders Olivia Frassanito and Nadia McKelvey.
Winners from Oldfield Middle School were sixth grader Tess Carey, seventh grader Cathalina Aguilar and eighth grader Maddy Wolcott.
Winners from Harborfields High School were freshman Max Vaughan, sophomore Tara Gosselin, junior Nahrahel Louis and senior Anna Gosselin.
“What I love about Harborfields is that it always feels like home,” Grace Henning said.
“I love the Harborfields community because everyone can be whoever they want to be,” Paige Ryan said.
“Other schools have conducted a CeReal challenge before, but I have never seen all four buildings make it happen to demonstrate unity,” Washington Drive Principal Kathryn McNally said.
IMG_4680, IMG_4689: The Harborfields Central School District is undertaking a CeReal Challenge, collecting 2,801 cereal boxes to demonstrate community connection.
Photos courtesy of Harborfields Central School District