Number of Participants: 182
Hours Donated: 1
Value of Time Served: $1,538
Event Type: Hunger
Sport: Schools
Date: April 12, 2022
Students at Old Country Road School in Hicksville participated in a cereal food drive that ran for four weeks. The school’s student council coordinated the effort and collected 182 boxes of cereal from fellow students.
On April 12, to celebrate the cereal drive contributions, members of the fifth grade student council arranged the boxes of cereal to create a giant cereal box domino run in the gym. After the successful fall of the boxes, the student body joined together to sing “Count on Me” by Bruno Mars. The cereal is being donated to local food pantries.
Photo Captions:
- Old Country Road School fifth grade student council coordinated a community giving effort to support local food pantries with a giant cereal box domino run.
- Old Country Road School students set up cereal box donations in a U-shape for their cereal box domino run.
- Old Country Road students waiting to watch the cereal boxes fall.
Photos courtesy of Hicksville Public Schools