Number of Participants: 300
Hours Donated: 1
Value of Time Served: $2,535
Event Type: Veterans & Military Families
Sport: Schools
Date: September 11, 2023
Three Village Central School District
Students and staff across the Three Village Central School District honored Patriot Day on Sept. 11. Through in-class lessons and activities, students reflected on the tragic events of 9/11 by remembering the lives lost, those who were impacted and the many heroes who made sacrifices.
At several elementary schools across the district, students planted American flags on the front lawn of their buildings. Meanwhile at Ward Melville High School, the perimeter of the property was lined with flags as a display of remembrance. In addition to the flag tributes, many students and staff members dressed in red, white and blue as a symbol of unity.
R.C. Murphy Junior High School social studies teacher Kristin Stelfox participated in an invaluable experience this summer to learn new strategies to effectively teach Three Village students about 9/11. Ms. Stelfox was selected for the inaugural Institute for Educators at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. She spent five days learning from first responders, museum directors and curators, and leaders in their fields of study on terrorism about how to teach the history of 9/11 and ensure it is a day that is truly never forgotten. Ms. Stelfox presented what she learned to her department so that her experience and knowledge gained can be shared with a greater audience of Three Village students.
“This experience was incredibly impactful not only because of the level of access to and caliber of presenters over five days, but because our commitment to never forgetting means we dedicate the time to teaching the next generation of students about the sacrifices and heroism of the day,” she said.
Photo captions:
1 – From left, 9/11 Memorial and Museum Senior VP of Education and Public Programs Noah Rauch, R.C. Murphy JHS teacher Kristin Stelfox and 9/11 Memorial and Museum VP of Education Programs Megan Jones.
2 – Nassakeag Elementary School students displayed flags outside of the school in honor of Patriot Day.
3 – Students at Minnesauke Elementary School planted American flags on the building’s front lawn.
4 – Arrowhead Elementary School students wore red, white and blue as a symbol of solidarity.
5 – American flags lined Old Town Road outside of Ward Melville High School.
Photos courtesy of the Three Village Central School District