Number of Participants: 110
Hours Donated: 1
Value of Time Served: $930
Event Type: Children & Youth
Sport: Schools
Date: April 6, 2022
Locust Valley
Locust Valley High School and Bayville Primary School students worked together to make birthday wishes come true for homeless children on Long Island. Students from the two schools collectively volunteered their time on April 1 to create decorations and birthday cards to be used for a birthday party for the organization called Birthday Wishes.
“We are promoting in our school the idea of giving to others,” Bayville Primary School Assistant Principal Allison Wasserman said.
Prior to the activity at the primary school, parents held a toy drive and assisted in setting up decorated boxes filled with items for a birthday party. The high school students worked two or three per classroom to organize the younger students in making decorations and cards for the decorated boxes. The classrooms decorated banners according to a theme, such as Disney, sports, art and music and the beach.
Not only did the students have a good time working together for a worthwhile cause, but the activity promoted camaraderie between the two schools.
Photo captions:
A: Locust Valley High School Nikolina Kiessling, right, helped Bayville Primary School students in making a banner for the Birthday Wishes organization.
B: Locust Valley High School student Gia Villella taught Bayville Primary School students how to write a message for a birthday card.
C: Locust Valley High School students Lauren Caiazzo and Katey Katovitz were pictured with Bayville Primary students and their banner for the Birthday Wishes organization.
D: Locust Valley High School student Louis Singe helped Locust Primary School students wrap a box for the Birthday Wishes organization.
E: (Back, l-r) Locust Valley High School students Gianna Spinelli, JosiAnne Raneri and Andreas Kennedy organized a banner making party for the Birthday Wishes organization.
Photos courtesy of the Locust Valley Central School District