Number of Participants: 20
Hours Donated: 2
Value of Time Served: $338
Event Type: Animal Welfare
Sport: Schools
Date: March 7, 2018
Three Village Central School District
Minnesauke Elementary School students and staff in the Three Village Central School District are regularly committed to engaging in initiatives geared toward giving back their community.
Most recently, second-graders in Maria-Elena Mazza’s class teamed up with the sixth-graders in Melissa Flanagan’s class to create gift bags for Save-A-Pet. As part of the initiative, the students created thank-you notes to those adopting pets from the establishment and collected many donations for the organizations.
Photo caption: Minnesauke Elementary School second-graders in Maria-Elena Mazza’s class teamed up with the sixth-graders in Melissa Flanagan’s class to create gift bags for Save a Pet.
Photo courtesy of the Three Village Central School District