Number of Participants: 50
Hours Donated: 4
Value of Time Served: $1,690
Event Amount Raised: $3,500
Event Type: Health & Medicine
Sport: Lacrosse
Date: November 17, 2015
99 Horse Hollow Road Locust Valley
New York 11560, United States
LVHS student-athletes inspired students, faculty, staff and Board of Education members to raise and donate more than $3,500 to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s Tuveson Lab for pancreatic cancer research. The contribution was made in memory of Sue Petersen Lubow, an LVCSD Board of Education member who recently lost her battle with pancreatic cancer, and in honor of Dr. Friedman, a district parent who has also been diagnosed with the disease.
The students raised more than $2,300 through their participation in the Long Island Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk last month. Seniors Molly Friedman and Abigail Linnemeyer recruited their teammates and friends to walk at the Jones Beach fundraiser under the team name “Acing Cancer.” Assisted by Varsity Girls’ Lacrosse Coach Carolyn Sumcizk, representatives from many high school athletic teams joined in the fundraising efforts. The cause was near and dear to all of the participants, as Molly and teammate Sarah Lubow, and their families, have been directly affected by the disease.
“I am so proud of our student-athletes for rallying around their friends in need and supporting such an important cause” said Ms. Sumcizk. “It doesn’t surprise me that they spent their personal time helping others, as they so often do.” Staff members from all six LVCSD schools and central office joined with members of the Board of Education to donate an additional $1,350.
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Anna F. Hunderfund presented a check to Lindsey Baker of the Tuveson Lab at the LVCSD Board of Education meeting on Nov. 5. Ms. Baker accepted the donation and explained the ways in which she and her fellow researchers at the Cold Spring Harbor Lab are working to identify potential therapies to treat pancreatic cancer.
Photo Captions: Lindsey Baker of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s Tuveson Lab, Molly Friedman, Abigail Linnemeyer, Carolyn Sumcizk and Dr. Anna F. Hunderfund.
Photo courtesy of the Locust Valley Central School District