Number of Participants: 65
Hours Donated: 26
Value of Time Served: $14,281
Event Type: Civic & Community
Sport: Cheerleading
Date: November 13, 2014
100 Longwood Road Middle Island
New York 11953, United States
Longwood Cheerleaders Fall “Give Back to the Community that supports us!” Each Fall our Longwood Cheerleaders do so much community service!We organize a STUFF A TRUCK (or some years a BUS)FOOD DRIVE! The food goes directly to families in our own district. We work with our LYSA youth group cheerleaders and coach the teams including the Challenger Special Needs team. We also show our thanks and support and honor our Veterans on Veteran’s Day, take an active part in Safe Halloween , and do a TOY DRIVE for the sick children at Stony Brook Hospital each year at the holidays. My granddaughter was on the oncology floor there 3 years ago and they took such good care of her and the other children, we just have to give back to them by bringing toys! These activities are a WIN-WIN because not only are we doing good things for others and giving back to those who support us but we are also teaching our teenage athletes just how important it is to be involved and caring in our community!