Number of Participants: 14
Hours Donated: 4
Value of Time Served: $473
Event Type: Disabled
Sport: Swimming
Date: December 18, 2014
65-30 Kissena Boulevard Flushing
New York 11367, United States
Flushing, N.Y. – The Queens College men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams gave back to the community in a big way earlier this week as they held a free swim clinic for a group of special needs kids from John F. Kennedy Junior High School.
Ten members of the QC swim teams were assigned a child and spent time getting to know the kids. They taught the children one-on-one water acclimation as well as water safety and skills. The event concluded with a free swim by the participants to have a little fun.
Several members of the swim team reflected on the event as a “… rewarding experience to help special needs children. Seeing the joy they have in the water makes it worth it.” Other swimmers sentiments included that “Teaching them safety was important, but watching them have fun was the best part.”…