Number of Participants: 15
Hours Donated: 4
Value of Time Served: $507
Event Type: Civic & Community
Sport: Schools
Date: January 12, 2015
300 Carleton Avenue Central Islip
New York 11722, United States
On Saturday, December 13, the Daemen College Athletic Department – part of teh LI based ECC- hosted its first-ever “Night Out On The Wildcat” which invited area children aged 4-12 to join Daemen student-athletes, coaches and staff for a night of holiday fun. The event drew 44 children to campus from 6 to 9 p.m.
The event began with a winter craft session where glitter, gems and other supplies were used to decorate snowmen, snowflakes and Elsa crowns. The second hour featured a mixture of fun in the gym where there was an obstacle course, basketball dribbling and shooting practice, and even a few games of duck, duck, goose which were led by Director of Athletics Bridget Niland, Assistant Director of Operations/Head Tennis Coach Stephen Beatty and Interim Track and Field Coach Seth Yernye, as well as representatives from Daemen’s Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and the men’s basketball team.
The night rounded out with hot chocolate and “timbits” doughnut holes courtesy of Tim Horton’s, as well as a “decorate your own cut-out cookie” stations and a child-friendly holiday movie.
The event was planned in SAAC meetings leadind up to the event and was coordinated by Associate Athletic Director/Senior Woman Administration Jessica Gorski and Assistant Athletic Director for External Relations Dawn Reed.
“I was so happy to have helped to host this event and to work alongside a very commiteed and energized SAAC,” Gorski said. “We enjoy having community members on campus and look forward to hosting another Night Out on the Wildcat event in February.”
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