Number of Participants: 26
Hours Donated: 4
Value of Time Served: $879
Event Type: Civic & Community
Sport: Boys Ice Hockey
Date: November 19, 2022
Bishop Feehan High School
Holcott Drive, Attleboro
The Bishop Feehan Boys hockey program partners with My Brothers Keeper in an effort to help those in need over the holidays.
On Saturday November 19th, the boys hockey program had 26 Bishop Feehan student athletes, 3 coaches, and 10 parent drivers meet at My Brothers Keeper in Easton, Ma. The group packed cars with thanksgiving baskets which included turkeys, gift cards, vegetables, and desserts and proceeded to deliver them around the city of Brockton to 40 different homes.
A big thank you to Mark Payson, a very active Bishop Feehan alumni parent and husband of Kerry Payson, current Bishop Feehan Theology teacher, for his years of service to My Brothers Keeper and for coordinating the day.
The boys hockey program will be participating in similar My Brothers Keeper volunteer days around the Christmas holidays.