Number of Participants: 300
Hours Donated: 1
Value of Time Served: $2,535
Event Amount Raised: $5,550
Event Type: Children & Youth
Sport: Schools
Date: April 6, 2022
Cold Spring Harbor
The Cold Spring Harbor elementary schools united to support the Save the Children Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund, spearheaded by West Side Elementary School sixth grade student, Sadie Flynn, who reached out to Goosehill Primary School, and Lloyd Harbor Elementary School to invite them to join her mission.
Sixth grade HERO Projects are rites of passage for West Siders before they head off to Cold Spring Harbor Jr/Sr High School. HERO Projects are student agency opportunities in which sixth graders take the lead and initiate activities to enhance their school learning environment as well as give back to the greater community.
When deciding on her HERO Project Sadie shared, “As I learned all about what was happening to the Ukrainians, I was shocked. I couldn’t believe they were leaving their homes and now had to start over. Then I learned about Save the Children and realized fundraising for them would be the perfect HERO Project.”
All three elementary schools eagerly embraced this donation drive to support the mission for the Ukrainians and Sadie’s HERO project. Her goal was to raise money to specifically purchase needed items including food and blankets for refugee families trying to find safety during this incredibly difficult time. Donations collected from all three schools totaled $5,550. In addition, Sadie’s father’s employer generously offered to match the funds raised.
Photo caption: West Side Elementary School Principal Alison Hazut with sixth grade student Sadie Flynn who spearheaded a donation drive to support the Save the Children Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.
Photo courtesy of the Cold Spring Harbor Central School District