Number of Participants: 10
Hours Donated: 10
Value of Time Served: $845
Event Type: Children & Youth
Sport: Cycling
Date: June 15, 2016
237 Lido Boulevard Long Beach
New York 11561, United States
Fourteen Long Beach High School mentors surprised their elementary school mentees with donated bicycles through the Long Beach Big Brothers Big Sisters organization during their end of the year celebration. While enjoying pizza and desserts in the Lido Elementary School’s All Purpose room, high school students rode into the room on bicycles with personalized nametags to present the younger children. All bicycles were equipped with helmets and bike locks donated by two Long Beach organizations, Bikes for Kids in America and The Chain Professional Networking Group. The Littles also received a t-shirt and Frisbee from the two organizations.
Bikes for Kids in America is a not-for-profit organization with the goal of helping every child feel the joy and freedom of riding his or her own bike.
The Chain Professional Networking Group is a group of business professional who believe in building business relationships through service and charity.
Garret Guttenberg and Brian Hallinan from The Chain Professionals Networking Group, Enrico DeLuca, CEO of Bikes for Kids in America and Mark Cox, CEO of Long Island’s Big Brothers Big Sisters commended the Bigs for establishing a life-long friendship with their Littles.
Photo Captions:
1) Fourteen Long Beach High School mentors surprised their elementary school mentees with donated bicycles from Bikes for Kids in America and The Chain Networking Group.
2) Long Beach High School Bigs rode into the room on donated bicycles to give their Littles.
3) Long Beach School District Elementary School students were excited to ride their new bicycles.
4) Long Beach High School seniors Raul Vidal and Emily Hulbert were recipients of Long Island’s Big Brothers Big Sisters 2016 scholarships. From left: Senior Raul Vidal, Long Island’s Big Brothers Big Sisters CEO Mark Cox and senior Emily Hulbert.
Photos courtesy of the Long Beach School District.