Number of Participants: 25
Hours Donated: 10
Value of Time Served: $2,113
Event Type: Animal Welfare
Sport: Schools
Date: March 22, 2024
North Bellmore
Helping others is the mission of the student council at Newbridge Road Elementary School in the North Bellmore School District, but once in a while, they extend their generosity to four-legged friends.
Student leaders decided to collect supplies for dogs as their March community service project. The drive runs from March 4-22 to support BARRK Long Island, an animal rescue and rehab organization.
Newbridge Road student and staff can donate blankets, dog beds, leashes, towels, toys and more. A donation box was placed in the lobby and Principal Amanda Licci said it was filled within a week so they had to put out another one.
Student council members worked hard to promote the dog supply drive. During the March spirit assembly for the entire school, third grader Aarnav Ranga, fourth grader Sylvia Tarr, fifth grader Sean Burke and sixth grader Samantha Novoni did a presentation about the service project. They spoke about BARRK’s mission and the donations that were being requested. Student leaders also made posters that were placed around the school.
Photo caption: Newbridge Road Elementary School student council members, from left, Sean Burke, Aarnav Ranga, Sylvia Tarr and Samantha Novoni were an integral part of promoting a dog supply drive for BARRK Long Island.
Photo courtesy of the North Bellmore School District