Number of Participants: 10
Hours Donated: 4
Value of Time Served: $338
Event Type: Animal Welfare
Sport: Team
Date: May 12, 2016
230 Poppy Avenue Franklin Square
New York 11010, United States
H. Frank Carey High School seventh-graders 9including student athletes) participated in a student enrichment project through the social studies department in April. The students researched several charities and decided to raise money for America’s VetDogs.
As part of their fundraising efforts, the students designed their own presentations, which were shared in classes throughout the school. Ultimately, nearly $800 was raised for this charity, thanks to the hard work of this dedicated group of students.
Photo Caption: H. Frank Carey seventh-graders Emily Blattberg and Taylor Macchia presented to a group of 12th grade students.
Photo courtesy of the Sewanhaka Central High School District