Number of Participants: 100
Hours Donated: 1
Value of Time Served: $845
Event Type: Health & Medicine
Sport: Basketball
Date: April 17, 2018
Gotham Avenue
Elmont, NY
Sixth-graders at Gotham Avenue School recently participated in Hoops for Heart to support the American Heart Association during physical education class.
Led by physical education teachers John Hakanson and Kevin McKeown, the students worked in teams to shoot basketballs in a number of different basketball hoops located around the perimeter of the gymnasium. If they made the shot, they would take another team’s bowling pin. Each team was allotted four bowling pins at the start of the game.
In the weeks leading up to the activity, the physical education teachers spoke with students about the importance of proper nutrition and sleep, exercising to keep their hearts healthy, and discussed curable heart diseases. Students also learned the heart is a muscle, which will work more efficiently with exercise. They asked for pledges to support their fundraising efforts; the money they raised for the American Heart Association will be used for research.
Photo Captions:
- Gotham Avenue School physical education teachers Kevin McKeown (left) and John Hakanson discussed the Hoops for Heart activity to students.
- Gotham Avenue School student Mahad Malik took a shot at the basket during Hoops for Heart.
- Gotham Avenue School students (l-r): Aelyn Vargas, NickDarlencia Labaze, Kimberly Gonzalez, Maidelin Ramos-Molina and Dorah Naissant worked together as a team during Hoops for Heart.
- Gotham Avenue School student Dorah Naissant participated in the Hoops for Heart event during physical education class.
Photos courtesy of the Elmont School District