Number of Participants: 300
Hours Donated: 2
Value of Time Served: $5,070
Event Type: Children & Youth
Sport: Schools
Date: February 29, 2024
Park Avenue Elementary School
Park Avenue, North Bellmore
The snow may have melted outside, but that didn’t stop a snowball fight from breaking out inside the gymnasium of Park Avenue Elementary School in the North Bellmore School District on Feb. 27.
There weren’t real snowballs, and the activity was actually designed to spread good will. Each grade participated in the kindness snowball fight, hosted by Students Against Destructive Decisions. There were soft, fake snowballs and crumpled up pieces of paper that, when opened, revealed compliments and positive messages.
A large sign on the gymnasium wall reminded students to “Spread kindness like snow.” Students in grades K-2 each took home one of the compliment sheets that were created by SADD club members. For grades 3-6, students wrote kind messages to specific classmates after a friendly snowball fight.
SADD’s faculty advisers Alexis Fassenfeld, a health and wellness teacher, and Holly Sugarman, school counselor, spearheaded the event. They were assisted by sixth grade SADD club members, who led discussions about kindness.
“The purpose of the kindness snowball fight is to encourage students to spread kindness amongst each other,” Ms. Fassenfeld said. “The SADD club hopes that this activity will allow all students to leave feeling good about themselves.”
Photo captions:
1: Park Avenue Elementary School second graders participated in a kindness snowball fight organized by Students Against Destructive Decisions on Feb. 27.
2: Each second grader got to take home a piece of paper with a compliment.
3: Second graders opened up the paper snowballs to reveal positive messages.
4: Sixth graders from the SADD club led discussions about spreading kindness.
Photos courtesy of the North Bellmore School District