Number of Participants: 2
Hours Donated: 30
Value of Time Served: $507
Event Type: Education & Literacy
Sport: Basketball
Date: March 30, 2022
Robert Moses Middle School
Phelps Lane, North Babylon
Robert Moses Middle School students hosted a successful book drive, where more than 3,000 books were collected and donated to Book Fairies. Located in Freeport, the nonprofit organization collects reading materials for people in need throughout the metropolitan area.
The North Babylon School District applauds the students and the hard work they’ve contributed to this worthy cause.
Photo caption: Robert Moses Middle School students hosted a successful book drive and donated more than 3,000 books to Book Fairies in Freeport.
Photo courtesy of North Babylon Union Free School District———–
In coordination with PS I Love you Day, Two 8th graders , Maddison and Sukara, planned and executed a very successful Book Fairies Book Drive. Over 3000 books were picked up by the Book Fairies. The RMMS family joined together to help out.
The girls met daily to plan, motivate their felllow students on the loud speakers, count the books and at the end they help throw a pizza party for the winning class that collected the most books.
The girls inspirds the 6th grade to hold their own competition as well.
The influence that these girls have shown in their community is remarkable. The school itself was a recipient of books from the Book Fairies and Maddison and Sukara repaid that full circle by hosting a collection to help others kids and schools in need.