Number of Participants: 30
Hours Donated: 5
Value of Time Served: $1,268
Event Type: Civic & Community
Sport: Club
Date: November 25, 2024
200 Emory Road
Mineola, NY
We are the Mineola Middle School Community Action Club. We meet twice month to work on projects that serve our community. This food drive started with planning and collecting food in October. Learners collected and sorted over 1000 food items! We held a turkey trot during lunch periods to raise money to purchase additional food items and turkeys. Stew Leonards donated 12 free turkey to our cause. Learners packed all 30 boxes and placed personalized Thanksgiving messages to each family. Families arrived and picked up their complete Thanksgiving meals the Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving! In December, we are donating ceral and juice to the families of Faith Mission in Mineola as well as planning our “SOUPer Bowl” soup collection event in January/February.