Number of Participants: 100
Hours Donated: 2
Value of Time Served: $1,690
Event Type: Veterans & Military Families
Sport: Schools
Date: December 11, 2024
Newbridge Road Park
Newbridge Road, Bellmore
Fifth graders at Newbridge Road Elementary School are living the North Bellmore School District’s mission statement by “contributing to the global community with creativity and compassion.” They are penning letters to servicemen and women overseas for the holidays.
The school is joining the Trees for Troops effort, spearheaded by Dee’s Nursery in Oceanside and DHL, to provide heartfelt holiday messages along with the donated trees. On Dec. 5 and 6, students from the three fifth grade classes worked on writing their letters and drawing holiday and winter pictures.
Fifth grade teacher Karen Barrins, whose brother-in-law is a co-owner of Dee’s Nursery, said this was a way to bring even more joy to troops who are away from their families during the holidays. The nursery has been sending trees, menorahs and other decorations overseas to men and women serving in the United States military for 21 years.
“The students are excited about being a part of this,” Ms. Barrins said. “You can tell just by reading their letters.”
Ms. Barrins said that before students began writing their messages, the class discussed ways they could make a difference both in their community and throughout the world. She also asked them to think how they would feel if they were away from their families for the holidays, and put that emotion into their letters.
Fifth grader Constantine Messina said this was important to him “so that people who are missing their loved ones know that we are thinking about them and grateful for their service.”
“They don’t get to spend the holidays with their family,” added Sylvie Tarr, “and we’re writing to them to make them feel better about that.”
Jack Toledo explained that it makes him feel good “because I know that I’m brightening up a soldier’s holiday.”
Photos courtesy of the North Bellmore School District