Number of Participants: 250
Hours Donated: 1
Value of Time Served: $2,113
Event Amount Raised: $1,215
Event Type: Health & Medicine
Sport: Schools
Date: May 5, 2015
6 Central Avenue East Quogue
New York 11942, United States
The Relay Recess program provides students, teachers, and administrators the opportunity to become superheroes in their own communities by celebrating people who have battled cancer, remembering loved ones lost, and fighting back against a disease that has taken too many lives.
The Relay Recess program also engages elementary school students in the fight against cancer through fundraising activities that support cancer programs and services in every community. In addition, it gives students the chance to get out of the classroom and have fun with entertainment and activities that reinforce what they have learned. Because the program is so flexible, it is different at every school and is an excellent opportunity to showcase unique qualities about your school and your community.
East Quougue Elementary School has been working hard all year on various fundraising event to raise awareness and help support the cause.
Visit their website to learn more:…(direct)%7Cutmccn=(direct)%7Cutmcmd=(none)&__utmv=-&__utmk=105460800