Number of Participants: 5
Hours Donated: 5
Value of Time Served: $211
Event Type: Health & Medicine
Sport: Team
Date: December 8, 2016
500 Tulip Avenue Floral Park
New York 11001, United States
Sewanhaka High School’s Family, Career and Community Leaders of America and members of the Blood Drive committee (which included student athletes) held a blood drive on Nov. 23. The groups would like to thank all the blood donors and volunteers at the event, including students, teachers and school nurse Kerry Jansen. Due to the generosity of the donors, 83 pints of blood were collected. Since each pint saves three lives, the Sewanhaka donors will help 249 people in need of blood.
The Blood Drive committee expressed gratitude to the student body and the faculty for giving the gift of life, as well as the FCCLA committee for coordinating the event.
Photo Caption: Sewanhaka students (from left): Jahzyah Parache, Jordan Luna, Stefan Smith, Tyler Rodriguez and Jesus Torres volunteered at the Blood Drive.
Photo courtesy of the Sewanhaka Central High School District