Number of Participants: 22
Hours Donated: 4
Value of Time Served: $744
Event Type: Civic & Community
Sport: Boys Soccer
Date: October 14, 2023
Sutton High School
Boston Road, Sutton
“The boys got up early this past Saturday morning, had a practice and then headed out to do a community service activity. We try to do at least one every season.
“Toys For Kids and Teens would like to thank everyone who showed up at the toy center this morning. With your help we were able to clean, sort and place the unbroken toys back onto shelves. Some people say “It takes a Village”, and that certainly happened today! Volunteers included : Sutton Varisty Soccer team and their coaches, Whitinsville Community Center ,Rockdale Youth Center, Struggles and Snuggles and many volunteers throughout the community. All in all it was overwhelming seeing the response, and meant so much to the staff and volunteers of Toys For Kids and Teens.”
New article and coverage on the teams community service work: