Number of Participants: 17
Hours Donated: 10
Value of Time Served: $1,437
Event Type: Humanitarian Service
Sport: Team
Date: March 17, 2022
Bethpage High School
Cherry Avenue, Bethpage
Bethpage High School’s Marine Science Club recently held a relief drive to support Ukrainians. Thanks to the generosity of the Bethpage community, the club collected several boxes of clothes and food.
The drive began when club adviser Larry Portuese saw an article about three Ukrainian churches who were looking for donations to help Ukrainians. He suggested to his club that they should organize their own drive and deliver it to one of the local churches. The club and the school’s administration embraced the idea, and they contacted the staff at one of the churches who provided them a list of items that were desperately needed. Flyers designed by the club were posted around the school and announced on the school’s morning news. In addition, high school secretary Cathy Falcone suggested to include the announcement to the district’s Listserv, which added to the relief drive’s success. The next day, there were seven boxes of donations, and the collection has grown ever since.
“The situation in the Ukraine is horrendous and appalling,” Portuese said. “Hopefully, these items will bring comfort to those in need.”
Well wishes, written by students in Ukrainian, were inserted into the pockets of some of the clothing along with a Werther’s hard candy. The club’s drive concluded on March 11.
“The first few days I thought everything would fit in a district pickup, but by the third day it was obvious we would need a bus,” Portuese said. “The Marine Science Club would like to give a heartfelt thanks to all who contributed these thoughtful items, as well as the custodial, security and transportation staff that made this possible.”
The club also gave a special thanks to Ms. Papetti, who raised more than $300 for the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America.
Photo captions:
1-2: Bethpage High School’s Marine Science Club recently held a relief drive to support Ukrainians.
3: Marine Science Club adviser Larry Portuese inspired the club to collect donations to support Ukrainians.
4: Bethpage High School Principal also helped to organize the donations.
Photos courtesy of the Bethpage Union Free School District