Every dollar donated can provide meals for 11 people through Feeding America, and students and staff at Newbridge Road Elementary School in the North Bellmore School District have been doing their part to help the hungry.
During a recent spirit assembly, Principal Denise Fisher reviewed the character trait of the month for April — caring — and read students “Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen” which is about a boy who helps the less fortunate. From April 18-21, children were asked to bring in a quarter a day for a total of $1 for the week to donate to Feeding America. They raised awareness for the cause with various spirit days by wearing sports jerseys, crazy socks and pajamas to school.
“Something so little, that we take for granted, could mean the world to others,” said Ms. Fisher, who noted that the school collected enough money to feed more than 4,000 people. “We should be giving back to be grateful for what we have. Your spare change can turn into a lot of meals.”
Added fifth-grader Katie O’Shea, “People need food to survive. We should be helping people around us.”
Photo Caption: Eleven Newbridge Road Elementary School students showed their crazy socks on “Sock it to Hunger” day to demonstrate how many people can be fed through the donation of $1.
Photo courtesy of North Bellmore Public Schools