The Landing School K-Kids, led by Mrs. Margaret Clark and Mrs. Amy Mendrinos, held a Pen and Pencil sale to raise money to purchase two outdoor basketball rims for the school playground.
Physical education teacher Ms. Karen Serani spoke to the K-Kid advisers about doing a fundraiser for the rims. Students purchased various school supplies, which they can use in their daily routines at school and at home while also benefiting their beloved playground. The K-Kids were in charge of supervising the sale and keeping track of the inventory, as well as being able to make change, all of which are life skills, which will help them in their future career goals.
The two rims were purchased with the proceeds of the sale and were installed in April. Many thanks to Mr. Anthony Grazioso, Mr. Dennis Basile and Mr. James Abercrombie, for relining the basketball court and making the playground safe and beautiful. In addition, the K-Kids raised $380 for the American Heart Association during Landing School’s Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser.
Photo Captions:
Third-graders NaSean Barnes (left) and Jordan Robinson were excited to use the school’s new basketball rim.
Photos courtesy of the Glen Cove City School District