New York – This past April 13, the Queens College mens tennis and women’s swimming and diving teams left campus with Emanuel Avila, Associate Director of Judicial Affairs & Service Learning at Queens College , to go to the streets of Manhattan to feed and clothe the homeless.
Tennis Coach Somadi was amazed at the number of homeless that approached the van for food. One Tennis Freshman said while he was handing out water “ Coach it feels so nice helping these people!” The homeless were so appreciative to receive food and clothes from us.
Swim team captain stated that ” This is the second time I have been on the run and it reinforced what I have to be thankful for! I think that all the athletes really had a different outlook on life and how lucky they are as they climbed into their nice warms beds that night!”
The Queens College swimming and diving team and the men’s tennis team helped live out the Collge’s motto, Discimus ut Serviamus, “We learn so that we may serve.”