Amityville Memorial High School students are continuing their tradition of spreading joy during the holiday season. The Warrior Awareness Club, commonly known as the WAC PAC, once again participated in the Christmas Magic program to provide toys to local youngsters.
Students met at the Copiague Target afterschool on Dec. 4 and 8 to shop. Provided with information sheets that included each child’s age, gender, clothing size and interests, the WAC PAC members then went on a shopping spree. They had a budget of $60 per child, provided by the Christmas Magic organization.
Senior Keniese Pryce said she enjoys the challenge of taking the basic information on the each sheet and turning that into gifts the child would enjoy. Makayla Gunter said she helped out with the shopping because she wants to give children a great holiday.
“I want to contribute something to the community,” added sophomore Jaro Salazar. “This is a time of giving.”
WAC PAC adviser Jason McGowan said that this year, his students were fulfilling wishes for about 50 children in Amityville. Due to restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, they weren’t able to get together after the shopping days to wrap the presents. Instead, the gifts will be brought to the schools the children attend and picked up by the parents.
Photo caption: Members of Amityville Memorial High School’s Warrior Awareness Club, under the direction of adviser Jason McGowan, left, shopped at Target to fulfill holiday gift wishes for local children through the Christmas Magic program.
Photos courtesy of the Amityville Union Free School District
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