Throughout the Cold Spring Harbor Central School District, students, staff and community residents were instrumental in spreading joy and helping so many in need during this Thanksgiving season.
There were winter coat drives and food drives for local charitable organizations with the help of student council/government and various school clubs. Not only were canned goods collected, but also monetary donations. At Goosehill Primary School, students were encouraged to do chores for $1 and then donate their earnings toward the food drive. The district’s youngest students worked hard and collected $215 to buy turkeys.
In the end, boxes of donations filled several cars. A special thanks to former board of education member, Ingrid Wright, for pick-ups and deliveries to the Helping Hand Rescue Mission and for coordinating these efforts along with health education teacher, Karen Uhl-Smith.
Photo captions:
1- 3: Students, staff and community residents in the Cold Spring Harbor Central School District worked together to help others during the holiday season.
4 – Goosehill Primary School PTG President Erin Rechler helped load donations into cars headed to help those in need.
Photos courtesy of the Cold Spring Harbor Central School District
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