Art teacher Jennifer Turner from the Lynbrook Public Schools, along with her family, strived to give back to those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Together with her husband Marc Turner and daughters Lily and Sophie Turner, the family raised more than $1,000 for the non-profit hunger relief program, Community Solidarity. Community Solidarity’s mission is to distribute boxes of nutritious fresh food and vegetables daily to those in need on Long Island and in Brooklyn. Mr. Turner volunteered his time with the program by sorting boxes to long lines of cars at the Hempstead train station.
Since Mrs. Turner and her 11-year-old daughters could not haul heavy boxes, they wanted to help in a different way. They worked together to create and sell custom mask chains that attach to medical masks for students and teachers to use when they head back to school.
“We saw all over Instagram and Facebook that people were making and selling mask chains,” said Mrs. Turner. “We figured we could do this but give all of the funds raised to help fund the cause. Beading is fun for us too, it’s something we can do anywhere and counting and sorting beads is very relaxing. You have to be in the moment, not worrying or stressing about anything because if you lose track, your beads will be everywhere!”
They created approximately 60 mask chains in both adult and kid sizes. Mrs. Turner and her daughters used small, glass plastic seed beads with gold plated and silver clasps to attach to any size mask. The Turner family recently presented a check to President and CEO of Community Solidarity, Jon Stepanian, to support the program and help fight hunger.
Photo caption: Lynbrook art teacher Jennifer Turner and her family created approximately 60 mask chains and donated the proceeds to Community Solidarity. Pictured from left: Marc Turner, Lily Turner, Sophie Turner, Jennifer Turner and President and CEO of Community Solidarity, Jon Stepanian.
Photo courtesy of the Lynbrook Public Schools
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