Schools across the Merrick Union Free School District marked Sept. 11 with a series of events that honored this significant day in history.
At Chatterton, students all together stood for a moment of silence, and were read a poem by Principal Dana Bermas.
Stacey Mahoney’s fourth grade class read Maira Kalman’s “Fireboat” a story about a boat that battled the roaring flames during 9/11. They discussed how important it was for everyone to come together and work together.
At Birch, Sherri Millevoi and Shauna Mastellon’s third grade class read “America the Beautiful, Together We Stand.” Students from Kathy Savino’s class completed some patriotic coloring.
Sixth grade ELA teachers Andrea Gatto and Danielle Goldspiel also read “Fireboat.” Their classes extended the learning through a Scope magazine video about water rescues.
At Lakeside, administration led a Patriot Day ceremony. The entire Lakeside community gathered around the flagpole as members of our Lakeside Student Council led a moving ceremony. Under the direction of Ms. Becchina and Jeffrey Glemoski, sixth grade
Student Council students including Akash Jaipersaud, Lena Malkin, Thomas Keane, Ben Mills, Sydney Sklar, Rina Goldmark, Noah Warshaw and Noah Brewer led Lakeside learners in the “Pledge of Allegiance” as well as the singing of the national anthem.
They called on Lakeside Learners to remember the power each student holds to spread peace and make a difference in our world.
Other classes incorporated age-appropriate material into their lessons as well in teachable moments.
Photo captions:
1-3) Students at Chatterton on Patriot Day.
4-6) Students at Birch on Patriot Day.
7-9) Students at Lakeside on Patriot Day.
Photos courtesy of Merrick Union Free School District
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