Fifth graders at Lockhart Elementary School have been eager for a way to give back to the Massapequa community, so they recently completed a service project to help local families for Thanksgiving.
The students decorated large brown paper bags, which will go to the parish outreach center at St. Rose of Lima Church to be filled with food. On Nov. 4, children grabbed their pencils, pens, crayons and markers to add “Happy Thanksgiving” messages to the bags. Students used their Chromebooks to look up inspirational messages and Thanksgiving symbols to get ideas for their unique designs.
Teacher Christine Hoehn said this community service project showed what good role models the fifth graders are for the rest of the school. She noted that the students got to express their creativity while showing gratitude to the community that supports their educational opportunities.
Ms. Hoehn said the empty bags were provided by parents and the decorated bags will be delivered to the church by a parent. The church has already begun receiving many of the donations that will be part of the Thanksgiving food packages.
“This was about helping other people who need it,” fifth grader Matthew Oweis said. “I feel good because it’s going to make other people happy and it hopefully will help them have a nice Thanksgiving.”
Photo captions:
1: Lockhart Elementary School fifth graders Lillian Rourke and Justin Vonness decorated bags that will be used for Thanksgiving food packages given to local families from the St. Rose of Lima Church parish outreach center.
2: Mia Gadbois added an inspirational quote to the Thanksgiving bag she designed.
3: Caiden Negron drew the outline for his Thanksgiving bag design before coloring it in.
4: Matthew Oweis said he hopes the pictures and messages on his bag with lift other people’s spirits.
Photos courtesy of the Massapequa School District
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