In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, members of the Southampton Intermediate School National Junior Honor Society organized several activities, including a “Think Pink” pumpkin event.
The event was a creative and meaningful way for students to spread breast cancer awareness while supporting their community. For the project, they designed decorative pink pumpkins, which are now adorning the school’s main entrance and Garden of Hope, as well as the district office.
Additionally, NJHS members, along with the support of school resource officers Lisa McCulley and Tiffany Lubold and the Southampton Village PBA, cleaned, planted and beautified a small Garden of Hope at Stony Brook Southampton Hospital’s Phillips Family Cancer Center. The beautification included mums, pink pumpkins and words of inspiration.
NJHS members also organized a “guess the weight of the giant pumpkin” challenge and sold “Think Pink” merchandise and buttons, with all proceeds being donated to Lucia’s Angels.
The pumpkins were all donated by Hank’s Pumpkintown, and the mums were provided by Fowler’s Garden Center.
Photo caption: Southampton Intermediate School students raised breast cancer awareness recently through a “Think Pink” pumpkin event. From left, are Julia Vail, Reese Swiatocha, Mateya Silvera and Cameron Kieffer.
Photo courtesy of the Southampton Union Free School District
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